–Cherry trees were always there : いつもそこにサクラの木があった (2021-)
–Shapes of Lives in Myself 2 : 私の中の命のかたち 2 (2018)
–Shapes of Lives in Myself : 私の中の命のかたち (2016-2017)
–Cherry trees in the life (March, 2023)
–Cherry trees were always there : いつもそこにサクラの木があった (2021-)
–Owls lived once there : かつてそこにフクロウが棲んでいた (2018-2019)
Design and Books
–“We have no place to be 1980-1982” by Joji Hashiguchi / Session Press, New York, USA (2020)
-“一人の記憶” by Joji Hashiguchi / Bungeishunju, Tokyo, Japan (2016)
-“Hof ベルリンの記憶 Memories of Berlin” by Joji Hashiguchi / Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, Japan (2011)