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Kumiko Otsuka

(born in Tokyo, Japan in 1979)

2002 B.A. Tamagawa University (Tokyo)

2005-2006 studied miniature under Hamra Abbas as an auditor at the Berlin University of the Arts

2009- working as an assistant under Japanese photographer: Joji Hashiguchi


Inspired by tree bark and shapes of stumps which were immediately after being cut, I express “shapes of lives” by drawing pictures.

This started after the earthquake and tsunami hit the Tohoku region and the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan on March 11th, 2011.

This day, I was forced to realize that the ordinary life that I thought would last forever, can be lost in an instant. The catastrophe made me realize that humans are a mere of nature.

One day, I found 8 stumps in a park in Tokyo. They were all small and there together. But each had a different shape. I felt free and enriched shapes of lives in these stumps. Then I started drawing them.

After the catastrophe, I’ve had doubt about the life supported by modern convenience. The stumps made me think of what life is and what is important for us humans.

I come across all stumps I draw in my daily life (on the streets or in a park etc.). Also I look over the environment surrounding stumps and interview people who live there.

Two years ago, a cherry tree was cut down, which had been near my house for many years. With that as a start, I draw now stumps of cherry trees. My third solo exhibition planed in 2020 has been postponed due to the pandemic of COVID. Taking this opportunity, I’ve started also taking landscape photos with the picture of the cherry tree’s stump titled “Cherry trees were always there”.


大塚 久美子

1979年 東京都生まれ

2002年 玉川大学文学部芸術学科卒業

2005-2006年 ベルリン芸術大学(UdK)で聴講生として細密画をHamra Abbasのもとで学ぶ

2009年- 写真家・橋口譲二のもとで表現を学び始める







